This online toolkit was created in response to requests for technical assistance on how to manage intersectoral coordination for nutrition through multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder platforms (MSPs).
The focus of the toolkit is on the design of successful MSPs. It offers definitions, explanations, practical tools and guides, and examples from countries which have already undertaken aspects of MSP design. It does not provide information on multisectoral implementation, which is one of the main aims of many MSPs, but rather how to design an MSP which can coordinate and oversee this implementation.
How to use this toolkit
The toolkit contains over 30 different issue guides which take users through the main elements of each issue, including why the issue is important when designing MSPs; examples from SUN countries which have already tried to address each issue; and a set of practical tools to help MSP members to address each issue in their own MSP.
The issue guides are arranged so that they can be accessed in a range of ways:
- The issue guides are arranged under topic headings, so that a user can systematically learn more about how to address a specific topic, for instance ‘understanding context’ or ‘engaging stakeholders’.
- The issue guides can also be accessed via a set of key questions such as ‘how do I set the objectives of an MSP’, which will take a user through a pathway including the most relevant issue guides for this question.
- Alternatively, the issue guides can be browsed by title, and users can choose to read those they feel are most relevant to their needs.
How was the toolkit developed?
The toolkit is the result of a research and development process spanning 18 months conducted by the Institute of Development Studies, UK, with phases including:
- reviewing academic literature on working multi-sectorally in nutrition and other fields;
- collating existing MSP guides from other fields;
- reviewing documents describing MSP setup and function from 16 different SUN countries in a range of global regions and with a range of MSP contexts;
- visiting five SUN countries in different global regions to interview MSP stakeholders and gain a more in-depth view of MSP design in those contexts; link to country case studies
Bringing all of this information together, the set of key issues and knowledge gaps were identified, and the literature, existing MSP guides and country data were used to create the issue guides and define key topics and questions on MSP design. The resulting toolkit is publicly available online for use by anyone planning, supporting or participating in an MSP for nutrition.
This toolkit draws on work on MSPs that has gone before, making it relevant to nutrition-focused MSPs in SUN countries. In particular, we have been grateful to be able to draw on The MSP Guide created by Wageningen University.
The MSP Guide
This guide is available both as a website, and as a downloadable guide, in English and Spanish. It was created by the Centre for Development Innovation, part of Wageningen University and Research Centre in the Netherlands.
It presents a framework for understanding and creating multi-stakeholder processes. You can learn about the rationale behind holding MSPs, what principles are essential to consider, and an explanation of the key components in designing and facilitating a successful MSP.
The MSP Guide offers resources, tools, case studies and more, and has informed this nutrition toolkit extensively.
FANTA multi-sectoral nutrition toolkit for Uganda
This website and toolkit was created specifically for Uganda, but has useful tools and guides for other countries also.
While the toolkit goes beyond MSP planning and into implementation and M&E of multisectoral nutrition programmes, it has multiple tools that are useful for MSP design, including:
- A Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Coordination Committee Orientation Package, including a facilitator guide, participant handbook, and powerpoint slide deck - Nutrition ‘call to action’ briefs for engaging key stakeholders for your MSP - A Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Action Plan Training Module to help designing nutrition action plans, including MSP design and setup
This toolkit was produced by a team at the Institute of Development Studies in the UK. See for more information and contact details.
This product was prepared with support from Nutrition International under the Technical Assistance for Nutrition (TAN) project, funded with UK aid from the UK government.